We build the future.

2017 | Timișoara
Roman Catholic Diocese
Construction of service house S+G+1F, garage and enclosure, Roman-Catholic Parish no. IV Josefin Timisoara – 792 sqm

2020 | Timișoara - Citadel neighborhood
Multicultural center – Timișoara
The building located in Timișoara, 5 Marasesti st. currently has a surface of 4300 sqm and is located on the property of the Timișoara City Hall. The building is dated as a construction from 1754-1757, rebuilt in the 19th century and is registered as a historical monument of national value, the building being in class II “buildings of special importance” – buildings of national heritage, being a historic building included in the list of national historical monuments, “Timişoara Citadel” neighborhood code LMI TM-II-mA-06149, list of historical monuments elaborated by the Ministry of Culture.
The initial purpose of the building was a municipal hospital, the first in Romania, 24 years before the one in Vienna and 34 years before the one in Budapest, and so far the building houses a hospital institution, namely the Oncology and Dermatological-Venereal Hospital within the Timișoara Municipal Clinical Hospital.
The real estate is in fact a complex of built buildings, bordered by the streets Mărășești, St. Ioan ,Corolian Brediceanu and Victoria Vlad Delamarina. All complex buildings are planned with an attic. The height regime is: Building A D+GF+1F, building B Steh+GF+1F, – building C Steh+GF+1F, building D Steh+GF+attic, building E B+GF+1Fp
The refunctionalized complex will host: The Citadel Museum; the versatile Cultural Center – this will coordinate the entire cultural activity of Timișoara, including events related to Timișoara European Capital of Culture; the French Cultural Center; the German Cultural Center
The existing constructions are made of mixed brick masonry structures with foundations of stable natural stone boulders, with structural brick wall vaults and fillers, with floors, roofing, wooden structure and tile shells. The existing structures are provided with all urban utilities: drinking water and sewage, electricity, natural gas and district heating network.
Through rehabilitation and redevelopment of the architectural complex, it will be assigned a new purpose, as a multicultural center. Considering the new function of the building, more measures are appropriate to rehabilitate the resistance structure, in order to meet the new functions and also meet the minimum strength and stability requirements imposed by the legislation in force
Due to the new functions, new accesses to the newly created spaces are required, which will be achieved by building two staircases adjoined to the structure, in solution on the metal structure with glass closures.
Works will be carried out in the area of restoring the building assembly of the Multicultural Center at the level of the inner and outer facades and its inner areas, as well as the inner courtyard landscaping works, conferring it public character.
Also, it is necessary to stiffen the building as a whole by pouring a reinforced concrete belt that acts as a rigid washer. The wooden roofing and the ceramic tile, scale-like shell will be replaced, with the retention of components in a less degraded condition.
Serious structural problems were also found at the level of the existing wooden floor at attic level, which made its replacement mandatory.
The project proposed the creation of useful spaces for the completion of the French Cultural Center, the German Cultural Center and a joint French/German conference room.
The Citadel Museum is also foreseen for this building complex.

2020 | Biled Commune, Timiș County
Wastewater network – Biled
The investment includes works for sewerage network, pumping stations, canal connections, road crossings to cover extension of the sewerage network in the village, extension of networks on all streets to the N and S from the existing network, with connection in it as well as the connection of all properties to the domestic sewerage.

Anunț de angajare Macaragiu / Deservent telehender
Descrierea job-ului: Macaragiu / deservent telehender cu brat telescopic
Ca Macaragiu / Deservent Telehender cu Brat Telescopic vei fi responsabil pentru operarea si intretinerea unui telehandler echipat cu un brat telescopic. Acest rol implica manipularea materialelor de constructii, transportul acestora pe santiere si asigurarea bunei functionari a echipamentului.
Ce vei face:
- – Operarea eficienta a telehandlerului conform instructiunilor primite
- – Manipularea materialelor de constructii cu precizie si atentie la detalii
- – Asigurarea securitatii pe santier si respectarea normelor de protectie a muncii
- – Intretinerea periodica a echipamentului pentru a asigura functionarea corecta
- – Colaborarea cu echipa de constructii pentru a asigura fluxul eficient al materialelor
- – Experienta anterioara in operarea de macarale sau echipamente similare
- – Abilitati excelente de comunicare si lucru in echipa
- – Atentie la detalii si orientare catre siguranta
- – Flexibilitate in program si disponibilitate pentru lucrul pe santiere diverse
- – Prezinta avantaj detinerea de autoriatie macaragiu. Se poate asigura scolarizarea.
Daca esti o persoana responsabila, cu experienta in domeniul constructiilor si cu abilitati tehnice solide, te asteptam in echipa noastra! Pentru aplicare și mai multe detalii vă rugăm să ne apelați la numărul de telefon +40 745 610 286.
Anunț public
„SC CONSTRUCTIM SA, anunță publicul interesat asupra depunerii solicitării de emitere a acordului de mediu pentru proiectul “Construire hala logistica cu Sc =6380 mp (110X58) in regim de inaltime P+E partial, bransamente utilitati si amplasare totem publicitar”, propus a fi amplasat în comuna Sânandrei, sat Sânandrei,CF nr. 410798, jud. Timiș.
Informațiile privind proiectul propus pot fi consultate la sediul Agenției pentru Protecția Mediului Timiș, Municipiul Timisoara, B-dul Liviu Rebreanu nr. 18-18A, jud. Timiș și la sediul proiectantului, Municipiul Timișoara, str. Piața Unirii, nr. 3, jud. Timiș, în zilele de luni – joi între orele 8.00 – 16.30, vineri între orele 8.00 – 14.00. Observațiile publicului se primesc zilnic la sediul APM Timiș.”

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the largest still active construction company,
after the revolution
Profesionalism prin experiență
Profesionalism prin experiență CONSTRUCTIM ® SA a luat ființă în martie 1991 în urma descentralizării TRUSTULUI ANTREPRIZA GENERALĂ DE CONSTRUCȚII - MONTAJ TIMIS, întreprindere cu o experiență de peste 50 de ani în domeniul construcțiilor.
De la înființare și până în prezent a executat lucrări diverse precum: social-culturale, hoteliere, locuințe, industriale, agricole, aeroporturi, drumuri și platforme, conducte de apa, instalații termice, electrice la un înalt nivel calitativ și la termenele contractate
Group Constructim

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