S.C. Emiliana West Rom S.R.L.
Valcani, Jud. Timiș
Start year
The scope of the project includes a grain storage hall with a canopy, the "Casa căntarului" building, a laboratory and outdoor platforms. The storage hall will be positioned in the northern part of the site and will be equipped with a grain transport system, having a reception hopper, a lift tower and a conveyor belt for loading the hall. In addition to the building of the hall, a canopy is provided on the eastern side, on the metal structure to cover the loading area of the hall directly from the outside by means of road transport. Glued along the length of the southern side, the canopy will be made to protect the access to the storage compartments of the hall. The storage hall will be divided into three distinct spaces with separate accesses, and the division will be made through a reinforced concrete diaphragm wall. On the plot, in the eastern part, in the vicinity of the entrance and the self-existing scale, a ground floor body will be built, a building made in a classic construction system, cores and pillars/beams of reinforced concrete with load-bearing masonry panels, compartmentalizing with non-load-bearing walls made of ceramic blocks or plasterboard sandwich walls. External concrete platforms will be built to facilitate access on all sides of the storage hall and the proposed silos.