Constructim Imobiliare S.R.L.
Timisoara, Str. Ovidiu Cotruș nr. 21
Start year
The project envisages the construction of a production and storage hall for ironworks and aluminium profiles, with Gf+1 partial storey structure and an 1800 sqm area, which will be made on the following technical solutions: The resistance structure of the building is made of insulated reinforced concrete foundations, and frames (pillars and beams) made of laminated metal profiles. The roof will be of metal frame type. The useful height per level is +3.20m. The exterior walls will be made of sandwich-type panels, painted in shades of aluminium grey and anthracite grey, and ventilated facades finished with composite aluminium panels. Separation of areas will be made with plasterboard walls on a metal structure. The exterior carpentry will be made of anthracite-coloured aluminium with isothermal glass. The interior carpentry will be made of PVC. The dimensions of the hall are 85x21 m, with a Gf+1 partial storey structure, with a height of +6.49 m (attic) and +7.65 m (ridge). The total usable area is 1835.57 sqm.
The land resulting from the construction works will be systematized and will be arranged as follows:
The proposed access alleys (pedestrian and car) will be made of road concrete, arranged over a layer of gravel and crushed stone.
Green areas consist of lawns, to which flowers and decorative plants will be added. At least 10 decorative trees will be planted along the property boundaries with diameters ranging from 2.00m to 3.00m