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2021 | Timișoara
Military Casino – Timișoara
Project summary


Military Unit 02517



Start year



Pavilion A of the Timișoara Barracks, known as the Military Casino , is one of the oldest buildings in Timisoara, located on the west side of Liberty Square. The building is currently classified as a historical monument, with the code LMI TM-II-mA-06143. The construction of the buildings on the current site began in 1744, with a house for the military commander at that time, Count Soro, in the northwest corner of the square. The extension of the house to the south was started in 1754, on the site of a former mosque, construction being completed in 1758. The construction was complete by 1775. Initially the building had only one floor. In 1910, the building was multi-storeyed, and in front, on the site of the summer terrace, a hall was built with glazed windows and a terrace above. The style of the building is that of late baroque with pilasters with edges doubled in Corinthian style and in the ornaments on the facade. Upstairs, the casino has a ballroom, where officers' balls were held - an important activity at the time in the city’s social life. Starting with 1921, it was called "Prince Carol Military-Civil Casino". After WWII, it became known as the "Military Casino".
The planned works cover the need to bring the building to the level of representation required by the establishment of the appropriate framework for improving the integrated training of NATO forces, as well as the restoration/rehabilitation of the Ministry of National Defence and implicitly from a historical point of view, considering the destination of Pavilion A.
The operations will include all buildings.
Building C1 is the oldest part of the 901 BARRACKS complex, which must be protected by the most appropriate intervention measures of good practices regarding the conservation of historical monuments.
The C2 building is an 18th century construction with the largest share throughout Barracks 901. Both as an integral part of the ensemble but also as an aesthetic and historical architectural value in itself, the building preserves both outside and inside the original historical substance. Thus, conservation and rehabilitation measures are required to enhance it.
Building C3 is an extension that due to the functional relationships integrated over time of building C1 on the ground floor and first floor, requires rehabilitation.
Building C4 is a construction that occupies the centre of the inner courtyard, whose function no longer meets the contemporary requirements and will be dismantled, and the space occupied in the inner court by this building will be cleared.
The inner court is a space with historical value, defining for the military function and the evolution in time of the 901 Barracks complex. The function of representation, respectively of military manoeuvres, has changed over time. At present, military use requires the restoration of the function of representation as dominant and the integration through clearance of the utilitarian function.