Commune of Șag, Timiș county
Start year
The investment objective "Repairs and change of use of the existing building from Detergents Factory to Construction Materials Warehouse, rebuilding of electrical installation; Exterior improvements consisting of; outdoor storage platform, car parking, fencing" is located in the northern part of Șag, on its outskirts, with access from the national road DN59/E70.
The following will be carried out according to the project
- indoor storage of building materials - 899.5 sqm
- customer parking - 7 parking spaces with a total surface of 292,00 sqm, including access to the parking lot from the secondary street (public domain) with new road system
- carriageway lane
- outdoor storage platform: 2.805 sqm with new/rehabilitated road structure and roadway
- existing building protection sidewalk - 40 sqm
- stationary area for loading - unloading capacity in area of: 288 sqm.
- green area -1060 sqm
- monolithic trapezoidal trench -118,40 sqm
- reinforced concrete fall chambers
- fencing - 285 m
- 3 access decks 6 m x 2 m
- outdoor lighting made of metal poles equipped with LED luminaires
- hydrocarbon separator, drilled well, water tank (hydrant water reserve), fire hydrant, pumping station (hydrants), rainwater pumping station, retention basin, infiltration basin slow purified rainwater drainage, made with prefabricated ACO Strombrixx elements.