N. Posta Română S.A.
Timișoara, B-dul Revoluției din 1989
Start year
The headquarters of the county Post office of Timiș and Post Office 1 Timișoara, part of the CNPR patrimony, was built at the beginning of the 20th century, between 1911 and 1913, and initially bore the name of ''The Post Palace'', or "Poșta Mare". From an architectural point of view, it was built in a sober style, typical of the geometrized Secession, with discreet decorations.
It is located at no. 2. Bulevardul Revoluției din 1989 and is part of the "Urban Complex IX of Timișoara, B-dul Revoluției and Murgu Eftimie Square (between nr. 1-7, 15-17), with the Post Office, the National Bank, the Institute of Medicine, two student dormitories XIX-XX century" (as specified in item 74-TM-II-a-B-06114 of the List of Historic Monuments).
The building has a polygonal plan shape - close to the shape of a trapezoid, with plan dimensions: 98.21 - west side, 36.77 m - north side, 112.73 m - east side and 37.30 m - south side. It adjoins individual buildings with a low height regime. Currently operating in the building: Timis County Post Office, OP 1 Timisoara, CNPR SA Training Centre, OPD Timisoara, operational, economic and technical departments of CNPR services.
The works of the project consist of:
- Rehabilitation of facades by wire brush cleaning of masonry, brick plinths in areas where brick is irreversibly degraded, treatment of masonry with biocide substances, restoration of joints, restoration of plastering and painting, by finishing walls with lime-based plaster and lime-based paint, and preserving the three important facade registers, repairing the longitudinal profiles of the facade - girdles. At ground floor level and the plinth, the plaster is restored in assizes with large joints made of stone dust. The decorative elements, framings, columns and capitals are restored in compliance with the following consecutive procedures: mechanical cleaning, removal of salt deposits, poorly adherent deposits, whole volumes, treatment by biocidal and water-repellent, application of chromatic touch.
- the façade paint will be restored according to "The Regulation on the chromatic identity of the buildings", the plaster areas and the painting inside will be restored, deteriorated after changing the carpentry.
- restoration of hardware elements – the bars next to the basement and ground floor windows and the railings:
- restoration of the perimeter sidewalk area of the building
- restoration of sills from galvanized sheet
- the interior sills are changed, with laminated wood sills.
- existing sheet metal downpipes are replaced with new ones, made of sheet/cast iron. The number of downpipes will be supplemented, which are currently insufficient.
- the exterior lighting installation of the building will be restored according to the electrical installations project.
- the existing joinery will be replaced;
- rehabilitation of the framing and replacement of ceramic tile covering and galvanized sheet;
- rehabilitation of the framing and replacement of ceramic tile covering and galvanized sheet;